PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Paleo Quick Tip of the Day #3- Add some Exercise to your Paleo Transformation!

Paleo Quick Tip of the Day podcast #3
Visualized Resistance by Steve Reeves!

Week #3- Add in some exercise to your Paleo Mix!

So far, the first week of your Paleo transformation started with you eliminating Grains, aka as Poison Food #1.  If you have kept off of grains, especially wheat, for these first two weeks, you are doing great!  You probably had some cravings, and know what it is like to be addicted to drugs during the first week, but you should be feeling better than ever now, and starting to notice positive changes in both physical and mental enhanced functioning.  You may have already lost some fat poundage, and maybe some nagging problems with your skin, hair and digestion are not really noticeable anymore- when they go away, we usually don’t even think about it at first...

If you have also really concentrated on getting ample SLEEP this past week as well, then I assume you are starting to feel really great on a regular basis- that’s how fast this stuff works- and it works together in synergy even faster.  Each step we add, each week, is not only incremental, it’s a multiplier of the benefits from previous weeks!

So, keep up with what you are doing from weeks one and two, and this week, plan on getting up about 15-20 minutes early each day, and doing some brief exercise.  Early morning is best, later in the day can come interruptions and distractions- just get it done early!

When you wake up, well rested but earlier than usual since you went to bed earlier, first lie on your back in bed, and just breathe deeply.  Breathe the life-giving oxygen deep into your diaphragm, expanding your abdomen first, and then gradually filling up your entire chest as well, slowly and methodically.This is called costal breathing, and actually counts as one of the most wonderful abdominal and overall beneficial exercises you can do!  Do this for just a few minutes, and arise.  You will feel very awake and energized.  Repeat this throughout the day periodically, and rejuvenate yourself!

So, after visiting the bathroom and donning your shorts, go into your workout space- I use the living room- and turn on the TV if your wish!  I always watch a Netflix show, but it’s your choice...I spread a big towel on the floor, and the “gym” is ready!

Start with the Hindu, or Asian squat- this is crucial to regaining mobility, and unless you are under 10, you are probably really, really inflexible in your legs, hips, and lower back.
Just bend at your knees until you are squatting as low as possible, and then just... hold.

At first, it won’t be long.  But after a few weeks, you will be able to rest like this indefinitely- this is how hunter/gatherer people still “sit”, since they don’t have chairs- and it is the way we are meant to sit, and it is wonderful for your whole lower body, both as a stretch and an exercise.
I think you will enjoy this brief video:

Next, I want you to try Visualized Resistance Exercise- this is where you use the resistance within your own muscles to completely exercise them to the maximum, without equipment, and perfectly safely and naturally!  The best form of exercise there is- think of how animals, in particular CATS exercise their muscles.

I have an ebook, Perfectly Paleo Exercise available devoted to this, and a large repertoire of additional exercises and explanations, but for now, just go to John Peterson’s wonderful website

For now, just concentrate on these exercises-

The high reach
Full range pectoral contraction
One armed chin
Half squat
Ab contraction
Shoulder roll

Finish up with another Hindu squat, and you are done!  Go for 10 reps, flexing hard as you do each exercise, as all of the resistance comes from within your own muscles.
Put the brakes on the movement, if you will- the harder you make it, the more productive, as long as you don’t go crazy with tension.  Go say at 80-90% effort, and it will just feel really good, like a “moving meditation”!

The martial artist Bruce Lee was a big proponent of this Visualized Resistance type of exercise, as was bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger before competitions- nothing is better for a lean, ripped sort of look and function of the human body!

Honestly, if you only did these exercises on a regular basis, you would develop a healthy, lean and attractive physique that would last a lifetime, along with the dietary and lifestyle changes we are making!  And, not only can these exercises be done on a daily basis, unlike the brutal damage caused by weight lifting to the joints, muscles and tendons, they should be done on a daily basis because they actually rejuvenate the joints, muscles and tendons!

So start!  Especially if you are an exerciser that has damaged his or her body through endless, damaging cardio or running, OR through heavy weight training-


So have fun this week!


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Paleo Quick Tip of the Day podcast #2- You are getting Sleepy...

Paleo Quick Tip of the Day #2 -You are Getting Sleepy...

Today is step number 2 in “going paleo”, and it’s a real sleeper...
That’s right- step #1 last week we getting rid of grains, in particular wheat, since that is the most consumed, and most devastatingly altered from its original, biblical and pre-biblical state!  If you have kept off of grains for the past week, Congratulations!

By now you must be feeling some of the benefits, and are just starting to get over the “withdrawal” from this drug-like insidious bad food.  Stick with it- getting rid of the grains in your life is still priority #1- take it day by day, and eventually you won’t even think of eating grains, since you will realize just how they make you feel, and how they make you look and perform, both mentally and physically- you will realize that they are just-not-worth it to consume!!

So, keep it up, but this week your assignment, should you choose to accept it- Mission Impossible-style- is to...SLEEP!

Really- getting 7-9 hours per night of good, quality sleep is more than just restorative, both mentally and physically- it is magical!  The latest information on sleep research is that some areas of the brain are much MORE active during sleep than waking.   It appears that, during sleep, the brain actually cleanses itself of toxins, among other essentials.  Suffice it to say- sleep exists for an essential REASON, otherwise there is not way that mammals in the wild would go into what are essentially short comas, during which they are incredibly vulnerable!  Sleep must not only be important- it is essential and necessary, for animals and for US.

So, for week #2 of your paleolithic transformation, going “Back to the Future”, you should plan to get around 8 solid, satisfying, wonderful hours of sleep each and every night!  Don’t stay up late watching TV- and also download this free little piece of software for your computer-  The flux app will automatically dim your computer screen at night, and make it brighter in the mornings, thus attuning the light conditions of your machine to your own circadian sleep rhythms- it really helps you get to sleep at night, bottom line!

So, enjoy this week of ample sleep.  You will begin to feel so much better, and be so much more productive, during your waking hours- thanks to this ample sleep.  It really is second only to- banning wheat!

Have a great week, sleep well, and next Wednesday we’ll have another stepping stone in your Paleo Transformation- on Paleo Quick Tip of the Day!


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Paleo Quick Tip of the Day podcast #1 Grains are enemy #1!

Paleo Quick Tip of the Day #1

Grains are Enemy #1

I know you don’t want to hear that about grains!  Grains, especially “healthy whole grains” have long been touted as the base of our wonderful food pyramid, loaded with minerals, vitamins, and wonderful carbs and protein...

But grains, i.e. wheat is the main one we consume, are also loaded with toxic chemicals  like phytic acid, which actually blocks your bodies ability to absorb these minerals, along with gluten.  Gluten and the lectins that accompany it are actually poisons that attack the microvilli in your small intestine, eventually making your intestine permeable.

This causes you to have a “leaky gut”- isn’t that a lovely condition?  Now, particles can pass right into your bloodstream from your intestine.  This can, and will, cause digestive problems and eventually autoimmune disease.  And the lectins actually stop your intestines from being able to heal the lining that the gluten damages!  Talk about chemical warfare against the human that ate the poor wheat babies- the grain!

The end result of grain consumption?

First, obesity, followed by diabesity, which leads to all of the modern diseases that are the scourge of civilization: cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis... the list goes on and on.  Is grain the ONLY cause of all of this carnage?  No, but it is the PRIMARY cause!  Just eliminate grains from your diet, and you are MORE than half way to being healthy, fit, and vital for the long term.

I know, it sounds hard, and it is.  I won’t kid you there.  But it is also very, very much worth it!  The results you and those about you will see from just this one elimination in your life are astounding- fat can rapidly disappear, skin conditions clear up, mental problems like brain fog and depression can go away... the changes can be magical!

And so, it is that important to get rid of grains in your life!  Try it for the next week.  Eat eggs for breakfast, bacon, sausage.  A Big salad topped with meat or seafood for lunch.
Grilled meat and loads of veggies topped with loads of butter for supper.  Nuts and dark chocolate for desserts and snacks.  You need NOT go hungry!

I don’t care what else you do that you think you should change!  If you don’t exercise, fine.  Smoke cigarettes?  Great!  Sleep 4 hours per night?  Good for you.

All I want you to concentrate on this one week is to eliminate grains!  No bread, crackers, pasta, cookies, buns, cake... you get the picture.  It is THAT IMPORTANT for your health that NOTHING else will improve your health as much.  Try it out, and I guarantee you will be amazed at the effect it has on your overall well being, both physical AND mental.    And later, well we can talk about those other small matters...