PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe

PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe
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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

PQTD Separating FAT from fiction!

OK, admittedly I stole this title from the upcoming summit with Maria Shriver and Mark Hyman…

If you are interested here is the link to their multi-day summit:

There are lots of paleo types involved- I noticed, with a quick glance at all of the photos, not only those two I already mentioned, but Dr. Axe, Chis Kresser, David Perlmutter, and many others who know whereof they speak on the bill.

I’m sure you could not go wrong listening to the summit!  You will possibly learn a lot.  But I will give you here a little list that, I’m sure, will sum up what they say in a nutshell, and save you listening for hours and hours…

But, if you have not already been “indoctrinated” into the paleo or ancestral lifestyle, you may need to be re-grainwashed, as I like to say, and sit through those hours to gradually come to the truth!  But, if (like me), you just want the Cliff’s Notes version, here is what I know will be covered:

Saturated fat, in spite of what you’ve been indoctrinated with for perhaps your entire life, is not bad for you!

In fact, it is wonderfully nutritious and helpful in losing fat, providing you with vital nutrients, and keeping you satisfied so you don’t overindulge in the true demons- SUGAR AND PROCESSED CARBS.


Things like Butter, Lard, Coconut oil, and Fatty Fish are incredibly healthy!

They are also the stuff that will satisfy your nutrient needs, and keep you thin and sane! (They are also, as I’m sure David Perlmutter will tell you in the summit, really, really good for your brain!)…

Grain will destroy your brain! 

On the same topic: grains, in addition to be loaded with anti-nutrients like gluten and gliadin (which destroy your gut lining and make you prone to auto-immune disease), will stimulate your appetite (making you want to eat more empty processed foods and get fatter and fatter).  In addition these grains will make you prone to mental problems like dementia, bi-polar, and all the other diseases of the brain- not only by increasing the the glycemic response (blood sugar raising) of the sugars they contain, but also by stimulating the crossing of the blood/brain barrier of these anti-nutrients and insulin-ogenic sugars, that will lay you low over time by gradually destroying your mind.

And so, I hate to be simplistic, but if you want it all laid out in a PALEO QUICK TIP OF THE DAY, Cliff’s Notes type of format, here it is, bottom line:

Don’t Eat Grains!  Especially wheat, which includes nearly all processed foods.

Eat Fat- don’t be afraid!  Saturated Fat!  No vegetable oils, they are on the same level as grains…

Just make sure they are from pastured animals.  This means beef that lives on grass, not corn! (Cows never evolved to eat corn!) 

Chickens that eat as they evolved to eat: grass, grains, bugs, worms- the key word is free range! Let ‘em go- they know what they need to eat!!  They need to “be chickens”- not confined in a cage being- well, being tortured food animals!


Eat a LOT of green vegetables, every day! 

Actually, I don’t know if they’ll cover this in the summit, but it is key to health, nevertheless.  They all know it, and do it I’m sure, but just to reiterate in case they don’t: Make a Paleo Green Smoothie (in a high powered blender) each and every day for maximum health and wellness!


Move around a LOT, each and every day of your life!

I don’t mean you have to go to a Cross Fit gym, and do WODS all the time- in fact, I would counsel you NOT TO DO THAT!  I mean that, it is essential to do exercise daily, not anything necessarily super-hard, like heavy weight lifting (don’t!), or lots of cardio to “burn calories and for heart health” (DON’T), or long sessions of jogging or aerobics or spinning or (fill in the blanks)- DON’T!


You just need to be a good member of the “tribe”- the human condition of those that are all about you.  You can prepare yourself to be a good human by-


Each morning, get up and do Perfectly Paleo Exercise!

  This means Virtual Resistance (where the muscles exercise naturally against themselves, by flexing and moving).

It means doing pushups, straight-legged sit ups, and simple stretches, sitting on the floor!

And it means walking- not long and difficult sessions- just parking at the back of the parking lot types of things; walking a little further than right in front of the store, and shuffling 20 feet in and then back…


And it also means “doing for yourself” as much as you can!

Cut your own wood!  What I mean is- if you are physically able to do anything for yourself, no matter how well off you are financially- do it for yourself!  And if you can help out your other “tribes-members”, meaning the folks in your neighborhood and family, well do it!


This is the kind of movement, and social fellowship that will not only give you strength on this earth, and mental health-

It assures that you are doing what God and Nature meant for us all to do- CARE FOR THE TRIBE!







Check out this episode!

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