PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe

PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe
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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Paleo Quick Tip of the Day #99 Go Paleo and Thrive!

Thrive Market is an online wholesale buying club- kind of like Amazon Prime meets Sam’s Club or Costco, only healthier and better. Organic, real food products at true wholesale prices!


You sign up at the link here-


You sign up for free with a 30 day trial, with 25% off of your first order- this is in addition to the already low prices, which are already 25-50% off of retail!


Any time during the 30 days, you can “become a thriver” by buying a membership for $5 per month, or $60 per year.  The average to pay this off in savings is in just two orders!


And best of all, this membership into top quality, paleo types of foods is shipped directly to your door, in amazing condition because they pack it so well, post paid for any order over $49.95! 


In addition, for every purchased membership, Thrive gives away a membership to a food-insecure family from a neighborhood without access to wholesome, organic foods. 

pqtd 99 Go Paleo and Thrive


This segues into my previous statement very well indeed!  The number one thing you need to do to achieve everlasting health and wellness, fitness and leanness, is to only eat wonderful, nutritious, nature and God made foods!  That is rule #1 of Paleo Land!!


So, if you get a trial to Thrive market by clicking on the link at, you can immediately start on the yellow brick road path to health by making an order on line  with no membership fee for the first month, AND a 15% discount on your first order!! 


This is on top of the already wholesale prices at Thrive of 25- 50% off!  So, this should get you motivated to change your lifestyle to that of an ancestral one- clean out your cupboards of all the boxed and crappy processed wheat and soy crapola; the pancake mixes, the flour, the sugar, the bread and cakes, candies and pies...


Throw that stuff in the garbage- it is not fit for consumption!  Don’t give it to the homeless shelter, or a pet, or even wild animals- well, I guess wild animals are ok, since birds can digest grains... just don’t give it to mammals!! 


OK, now you have a pristine kitchen, just waiting for REAL FOOD to arrive!  Make your order- make sure it is over $50.00, and there will be no shipping cost!   (Don’t forget you also get 15% off of the already 25-50% off, so this should be a BIG, and INEXPENSIVE order for all that you will get).  And, all of Thrive’s stuff is TOP QUALITY PALEO FRIENDLY!


Oh, don’t forget to throw out your toxic cleaning products as well, and your sodium lauryl sulphate laden soaps, shampoos, mouthwashes and toothpaste-  this mean they are loaded with chemical, petroleum derived industrial cleaners instead of good natural SOAP!  Also, commercial toothpastes are nightmares that are loaded with toxic fluoride, and again, sodium laurly sulphate that makes it lather up real nice, giving the ILLUSION that it is cleaning your teeth.  It’s NOT.  Also, the glycerine in these standard toothpastes will prevent your teeth from “remineralizing”; that is, keep them from repairing themselves- did you know that teeth can actually put minerals back onto your teeth that have eroded, just as it rebuilds muscles you have broken down through the damage of exercise, making them stronger?? 


It can, if you keep that damn glycerine in standard toothpastes AWAY from your teeth!


So, make your big, initial order with Thrive market- tell them PaleoJay sent you- and you will also get a free jar of raw, unstrained honey!  Raw honey is really healthy, my healthy paleo friend who has a super clean, health promoting pantry and kitchen enroute to them via Thrive...


There is even a header bar where you can click:

SHOP BY PALEO- all of your selections will be filtered to the Paleo lifestyle!!


You don’t have to drive anywhere.  You don’t have to put gas in your vehicle.  That’s all paid for you- AND you are getting a huge discount on top of it all- no hassle, no trouble- just browse online at thrive and place your money and health saving order! 


When the “green”, impressive package arrives, if you are like me, it will be like Christmas!  (Actually, at this time of year, it WILL LITERALLY BE CHRISTMAS!!) 


You will love putting these healthy substitutes into your cupboards in place of all the CRAP that used to be there!


Some ideas?  Coconut oil (Thrive has their own, at 47% off retail!), vitamin D, real soaps and shampoos, sea salt and baking soda (the perfect toothpaste!), tea tree oil (1/2 price on Thrive!),  Bragg’s Apple cider vinegar (34% off), real salad dressings with real oils (not soy oil BS!) for substantial discounts, wonderful mayonnaise with avocado oil instead of soy,pqte almond flour, tapioca flour which makes a wonderful pizza crust!, and coconut flour all at substantial discounts to what you’d pay in a store...


And all so convenient and easy.  So healthy, and all with the ability to utterly transform your life and health for the better!  And CHEAPLY- did I mention THAT??


This really is a deal-changer.  Take back your life and health, get the body you have always wanted, easily and without having to drive here and there, searching for what you need, all at high prices. 


Just click here, and get started:


I’ll see you on the other side, my lean and healthy paleo friend!  Take photos, before your order and one month after- you won’t believe the results!


Send them to me, at



Check out this episode!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Paleo Quick Tip of the day #98 Cheers to Paleo Exercise every day!

pqtd 98  Wake up and work out


That sounds a little simplistic, doesn’t it?  Well, it is, and that’s a big part of its beauty: if you work out first thing in the morning, there is no decision to be made!  You get up, and then you work out...


You don’t have to plan just when you will work out, just what exercises you will do that day- nothing at all!  You just need a plan in your head:  Here’s mine!


On Mondays I do virtual resistance exercise, on a rebounder as I gently bounce away, in front of the tv- either news or more likely a Netflix program.  I keep a cup of coffee laced with coconut oil by my side for occasional sipping.  Very relaxing, but by the end I am lathered with sweat, and all my muscles are engorged with blood and pleasantly tired.  Maybe 45 minutes of so total time.


Tuesdays are one overall total body set of virtual resistance for each and every body part, with quite a big of stretching on the floor.  Then, I superset high volume straight legged sit ups, pushups, hindu squats, and hindu pushups.  Repeat this superset about 2 times.


Wednesdays I do Monday’s program!


Thursdays I do high volume sets of pushups with raised legs on the Perfect Pushups rotating handles, with regular grip, wide grip, and narrow grips- then, repeat at least 5 times.  I follow with side planks, super setted with ab wheel pushups.  A big strength day!


Fridays are the same as Monday and Wednesday, except I finish up with self resisted chest, arm, and back resistance exercises.


Saturday is a repeat of the Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday program!


Sunday is my biggest workout of the week, with handing leg raises, pistol squats with the gymnastic rings, pushups, flies and rows on the rings, hack squats, pullups and dips for multiple sets.  I also do a couple sets of kettlebell swings for high reps- these are like sprinting in the Winter months!


My point it this- I never have to think about what to do, or when to do it- I just do it!  You don’t have to do exactly what I do, but you have to have a program, a rough outline of what to do, and then you can just follow through, on auto-pilot if you will.  There is no decision to be made- it is just like taking a shower later, and shaving, and brushing your hair and eating lunch- it’s all just part of your day!


And the very best part is, after the first 45 minutes or so of your day, everything else is just down hill!  Easy peasey. 


A good workout, hitting the entire body, with stretching and  the circulatory system included, leaves you feeling just glowing and energized, with a feeling that you have already conquered the day, so you might just as well go on to accomplish more!  And you don’t need to keep in the back of your mind that you somehow need to fit in a workout later... because you’ve already done it.


Although, this morning post workout feeling is so addictive that you may, like me, come to want to repeat it later in the afternoon or early evening, and go outside pumping heavy hands weights of 6-8 pounds or so, as you walk around a forest trail, for maybe 15 minutes or so.  Or go to your gymnastic rings and do a quick set of pull ups, chin ups, push ups, and dips. 


This is what I call “Paleo Happy Hour”!  Cheers!!

Check out this episode!

Paleo Quick Tip of the Day #98 Wake up and Work out!

pqtd 98  Wake up and work out


That sounds a little simplistic, doesn’t it?  Well, it is, and that’s a big part of its beauty: if you work out first thing in the morning, there is no decision to be made!  You get up, and then you work out...


You don’t have to plan just when you will work out, just what exercises you will do that day- nothing at all!  You just need a plan in your head:  Here’s mine!


On Mondays I do virtual resistance exercise, on a rebounder as I gently bounce away, in front of the tv- either news or more likely a Netflix program.  I keep a cup of coffee laced with coconut oil by my side for occasional sipping.  Very relaxing, but by the end I am lathered with sweat, and all my muscles are engorged with blood and pleasantly tired.  Maybe 45 minutes of so total time.


Tuesdays are one overall total body set of virtual resistance for each and every body part, with quite a big of stretching on the floor.  Then, I superset high volume straight legged sit ups, pushups, hindu squats, and hindu pushups.  Repeat this superset about 2 times.


Wednesdays I do Monday’s program!


Thursdays I do high volume sets of pushups with raised legs on the Perfect Pushups rotating handles, with regular grip, wide grip, and narrow grips- then, repeat at least 5 times.  I follow with side planks, super setted with ab wheel pushups.  A big strength day!


Fridays are the same as Monday and Wednesday, except I finish up with self resisted chest, arm, and back resistance exercises.


Saturday is a repeat of the Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday program!


Sunday is my biggest workout of the week, with handing leg raises, pistol squats with the gymnastic rings, pushups, flies and rows on the rings, hack squats, pullups and dips for multiple sets.  I also do a couple sets of kettlebell swings for high reps- these are like sprinting in the Winter months!


My point it this- I never have to think about what to do, or when to do it- I just do it!  You don’t have to do exactly what I do, but you have to have a program, a rough outline of what to do, and then you can just follow through, on auto-pilot if you will.  There is no decision to be made- it is just like taking a shower later, and shaving, and brushing your hair and eating lunch- it’s all just part of your day!


And the very best part is, after the first 45 minutes or so of your day, everything else is just down hill!  Easy peasey. 


A good workout, hitting the entire body, with stretching and  the circulatory system included, leaves you feeling just glowing and energized, with a feeling that you have already conquered the day, so you might just as well go on to accomplish more!  And you don’t need to keep in the back of your mind that you somehow need to fit in a workout later... because you’ve already done it.


Although, this morning post workout feeling is so addictive that you may, like me, come to want to repeat it later in the afternoon or early evening, and go outside pumping heavy hands weights of 6-8 pounds or so, as you walk around a forest trail, for maybe 15 minutes or so.  Or go to your gymnastic rings and do a quick set of pull ups, chin ups, push ups, and dips. 


This is what I call “Paleo Happy Hour”!  Cheers!!

Check out this episode!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Paleo Jay's Smoothie Cafe #118 Where Should a Paleo Person Live?

pjsc 118  Where should a modern day Paleo person live?


I have been giving this a lot of thought, and actually, it seems so obvious to me!


I know there are hotbeds of “paleo aficianados” in pretty urban places, like NYC, and especially Austin Texas!  And God bless ‘em, I’m sure they are doing really great there, or at least as good as they can, and I wish them luck!


The problem is, I think that people tend to live in the past; that is, they idolize a “perfect time” in a certain place, and subconciously convince themselves that that time is now.


Like so many Woody Allen fans convince themselves, like he does, that New York City is the New York of the 1940’s... the city portrayed by the New York Times and the New Yorker magazine of that era...


Sorry, but it’s not even close anymore!  I came from Chicago, and the crime-ridden nightmare that that city has become is not even close to what it was in the 1950’s or 60’s- even the 70’s!!


I hate to sound the alarm, politically incorrect as it is, but someone has to say “the Emperor has no clothes”!


Out BIG CITIES have become largely unlivable: racked with governmental corruption, NO real police protection, and riddled with bad water, food deserts, and no contact with real Nature anymore for any of the residents!


Light pollution, noise pollution, traffic pollution, and just too many people pollution have ruined our big cities!


And our suburbs!  Our suburbs ringed about major cities are elitist places nowadays, obsessed with “big dollar high achievement at the expense of anything else”, and likewise an obsession with status and money, since nowadays that is what it takes to remain in the suburbs.  The nice ones, that is.  The ones that retain some semblance of normal American values, that try to emulate some semblance of real, small town values...


God bless the suburbs, but they are fighting a losing battle against the over-the-top corruption and crime of the big cities all around them!  They are fast turning into Gated Communities, hoping to retain their character.  Big, top down government will NOT allow that to continue.  Besides, the cost of admission via housing costs is prohibitive to anyone with a normal job!


So where should a Paleo type of person live??


A smaller city (less than 500,000 people) is ok, but the ideal is to live outside of a small town, or small city of 50,000 or so.


In my opinion, this is ideal.  In the ancient Greek city-states, like Athens and Sparta, this was the average size of a “polis”, meaning a citizenship or body of citizens.  Anything more becomes unmanageable!  In communities of this size, every person still matters, and has a real voice.


So, pick out a small town, outside of a small city!  Or, if you are more urban minded, you can live right IN that small city!!  Cities of that size are kind of “small towns” in and of themselves, in this day and age.


The water will be better!  If you live outside of the city, you can rely on well water, which will be vastly better! 


The light pollution can be very little indeed, giving you wonderful sleep, without needing blackout curtains.  And the noise pollution will be virtually non-existent.


You will be able to afford a large acreage to live in (avoid “developments”!, which will give you an area in which to “forest bathe”, and simply to have wonderful privacy for your family and yourself to exercise outside, and expose yourself to the sunshine and the Vitamin D without anyone staring like an idiot with disapproval that you aren’t wearing sun screen...


You will be able to grow a large garden, digging in the pro-biotic rich earth, and reinforcing your gut microbes daily, as you run, walk, and spring around your yard barefoot!  You can have chickens for their eggs and meat if you want, and there will definitely be a farmer or rancher close by that you can befriend and have a relationship to gain real, fertile eggs (I you don’t have your own), and pastured beef, pork, and poultry!)  This is in and of itself invaluable!


Above all, you will have divorced yourself from the opinions of idiots.


In big cities especially, but also in suburbs as well, you are inundated with liberal, Big Government ideas.  What I mean by this is, the pervasive ideals that none of us can do things on our own, we need Big Government to tell us what to do, since most of us are so stupid and inept!


Nothing could be further from the truth!!


Big, Federal Government is the problem, not the solution!  We need to go “Back to the Future”- the original  promise of the American Revolution, which said that Each citizen should decide how the  country is run- NOT the Federal Government! 


Small government, local government should rule.  The voice of your neighbors, local voices, people you know and deal with are the ones to determine how things should be done!  NOT big bureaucrats, that have self serving agendas.


America was a conservative revolution, originally.  The ONLY ONE in history, really!



It was called the “Protestant Experiment” back then.



It was wonderfully successful. So successful that many worldwide want to bring us down!  (Jealousy is a terrible thing).


We are on the verge of losing all of our success.  The days of Andy Griffith and small town Americana are struggling against a Federal intrusion agenda that threatens to destroy our health, our wellness, and our way of life! 


Vote with your feet!! 


Just as people did in the last days of Rome, when the big government corruption was destroying the empire-


Leave ROME!  Find a home well outside of the big cities, and create your own paleo friendly GARDEN!


Be like Maximus, in The Gladiator movie!  As he moved out to Spain, building an estate there...


You can move to the Midwest, or the South or the West...


And build your own estate!  Far from Rome!!






Check out this episode!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

pale quick tip of the day #97 Modern Medicine is NOT based on Modern Science!

pqtd 97  Modern Medicine is not based on Modern Science


This is a sad podcast to have to make, because it is upsetting to many folks... but, it is true, nonetheless!  We are all the victim of an unnatural allegiance to “science” at all costs- I mean science has all the answers, does it not??


This seems reasonable on the face of it, but in our modern day, science has been replaced, largely, with scientism. 


This is the insistence that all of our problems, in fact everything in our lives can be reduces to... science based answers! 


The problem is, most of our evidence based science has been replaced with 30 year old scientism. 


For instance, it has been known for decades that a low fat, high carb diet as pushed by the USDA and the Federal Government does NOT lead to health.  In fact, it is a diet that will make you FAT AND SICK, diabetic and prone to heart disease and cancer, among many other diseases. 


And yet, this is the recommended “My Plate” diet!  The real, evidence based science is all there: in fact, it has been there for decades.  But in an environment where medical doctors and institutions have been promoting that diet for about 40-50 years, and where most doctors are working on what they learned at least 20-30 years ago, they keep on promoting what is not real, evidence based science- they promote scientism, or the illusion of science, based on outdated ideas that have been proven wrong by the evidence.  Experimental evidence, experiential evidence, and the evidence of endless contrary outcomes!


Many other things spring to mind:


Statins are shown to be of almost no benefit to anyone who has not already had a heart attack.  (They are still very widely prescribed, although the side effects are horrific, and the benefits pretty much non-existent in the vast majority of cases).

Statins are prescribed for women, for whom there is no evidence that there is any benefit whatsoever.  In fact, as women get older, the higher their cholesterol levels, the better their life expectancy!

When Pharmaceutical companies fund over 2/3 of medical “research”, what do you think their outcomes will recommend?  A paleo type of diet?  Good exercise, solid sleep, and meditation???  No... more pharmaceutical drugs!!

Flu shots- did you know there is no real science behind these heavily marketed shots?  It’s all a big marketing scam, based on “scientism”, not real science, that is foisted on the public for profit??

Bottom line- we have a “profit based health care system”, not a “science based health care system”. 


If all of this doesn’t “scare you straight”, and make you want to be your own doctor, it should. 


No one cares about your health like you do.  Do NOT just go on about your normal lifestyle, eating fast food crap and processed junk like soybean oil salad dressings and pizza, thinking the medical system will fix you if anything goes wrong.  They won’t!


It is in their interest to have you destroy your own health by following their recommendations, and getting diabesity, and all of the autoimmune diseases that come along with that.  Then, you can purchase drugs, forever, for as long as your miserable, pain-wracked life goes on, as you continue to eat the disease encouraging “healthy whole grains” and low fat garbage and sugar until you give them every bit of your savings during your last few weeks in the hospital...


But, at least you’ll know, you did it all in the name of SCIENCE!


Er... I mean  SCIENTISM!

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Paleo Quick Tip of the Day #96 Raw dairy- the perfect food!

pqtd 96  Raw Dairy- the perfect food


And the Lord said, I am come down to deliver my people out of the hand of the Egyptians and unto a good land, a land flowing with milk and honey.” 


Did you know that the forerunner to today’s Mayo clinic, the Mayo foundation was place where the principle treatment was using raw milk as a cure for many diseases?  It’s true- in 1929, the founder of Mayo, J.E. Crewe, M.D., wrote a book entitled Raw Milk Cures Many Diseases.


Here is an excerpt:  “For fifteen years the writer has employed the certified milk treatment in various diseases and during the past ten he had a small sanitarium devoted principally to this treatment. The results obtained in various types of disease have been so uniformly excellent that one’s conception of disease and its alleviation is necessarily changed.”


It has been substantially proved through many, many studies over many decades that the nutrient composition of raw milk from healthy cows, raised in sanitary conditions on good feed, is vastly superior to commercial, pasteurized milk.  The only reason big agribusiness milk requires pasteurization is because these cows are generally not raised in sanitary conditions, but are instead crowded together inside, in filthy conditions, to get “the most milk for the buck!” 


And the “milk” from these cows is not even vaguely in the same class as the real milk that most of us still cannot even buy, since in many states it is illegal.  Can you imagine: here in Wisconsin, “America’s Dairyland” (it’s right on our license plates!) it is illegal to buy raw, real milk from your neighborhood farmer!  You are supposed to consume fake, sugar-water skimmed milk, ideally, because it is “low in fat”.  What a joke!  The fat in the milk is what carries all the nutrition which makes raw milk one of the most healthy, nutritious foods on the planet.  A food that once was thought to have been consumed since 10,000 years ago, but now archeological evidence indicates that 30,000 years ago people in the High Sinai Peninsula at the north end of the Red Sea used fences to aid in confining and breeding antelope for their milk.-They likely were one of many cultures that used milk long before the beginnings of agriculture.


So now you see, raw milk has been a mainstay of health and wellness for a long, long, long time! 


In fact, there is no food better for you than raw milk- now, at last, there is a bill in front of the Wisconsin legislature to legalize raw milk once again!  I have called my state legislator, and I was told he would support it.  But why was it ever taken away is a legitimate question.


So let me end up with a quote from Dr. Ron-”


The same repressive, reactionary forces that have concentrated power and wealth into the hands of a few have outlawed raw milk and destroyed the ability of small farms to survive and thrive – and ushered in the epidemic of heart disease, cancer and other chronic problems plaguing the modern world.

Raw milk is the key to the health crisis, the farm crisis, the economic crisis, the small town crisis, even the environmental crisis, the political crisis and the educational crisis. Farmers who could freely advertise and sell raw milk and its products, and fresh quality meats, free of government intervention and hassles, could prosper, and their communities could blossom. The restoration of our individual and national health could become reality.


Amen to that!

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Paleo Quick Tip of the Day #95 Our Children are the Canaries in the Coal Mine

pqtd 95  Our children are our canaries in the coal mine


I’m afraid that this sad fact is the truth- our children in America, and increasingly world wide, are suffering at ever earlier ages under the scourge of autoimmune conditions.


I have been witnessing this process for years now; I have been paleo for about 10 years or so now.  I have evolved, and slowly added in more good things (like better exercise, higher quality food, better sleep and meditation), and benefited greatly!  I am now 63 years of age, and in far better shape than I was at 50: no more painful joints, knee or shoulder pain (from weight lifting, running, and an inflammatory diet).  No more migraine headaches (primarily, I found out, from gluten- when I eliminated gluten and in fact most grains altogether, I never got another headache again.  I threw away my pharmaceutical medicine...


On the other hand, most of my friends and peers, who are mostly in the 40 - 60 year age bracket, have picked up numerous diseases and conditions.  Diabetes and “diabesity”, of which the second predicts the former have happened to many, along with heart disease, gerd, acid reflux, sleep apnea and snoring, and even some cancer.  And the list goes on... 


These are the ones who do not listen to my advice.  They eat the standard American diet of pizza, fast foods, processed crap, bread and pasta.  Most try to “cut their fat intake” by switching exclusively away from butter and full fat dairy, and try to “cut calories” by drinking skim milk, and cereal for breakfast, along with “healthy whole grain toast” with margarine on top.


Almost all of them are on statins, against my arguments about it’s uselessness and extreme danger.  Many dose themselves almost daily with high doses of aspirin, tylenol and ibuprofen to deal with their many aches and pains.  Exercise?  They walk at the mall...


Those that have followed my lead are about as healthy as I am!  Many have reversed conditions like diabetes (type 2), skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, and all sorts of digestive ailments.  Most don’t exercise nearly as much, but they have had wonderful results, healthwise, regardless!


But they are the older generation, on their way out.  What is troubling me now, is that all of the diseases that my middle-aged friends have are now turning up in children I have known since birth!


Type one diabetes in 13 year olds to 30 year olds.  Diverticulitis, Arthritis, hasimotos, and infertility, Hashimoto thyroiditis, type I diabetes, lupus, and vasculitis. It is starting to run rampant among young people, this taking them down by having their own immune system attacking their very own body!  Why?  And why is this new?  This stuff didn’t happen, or very, very rarely in my generation when we were young.  Now it hits younger and younger people, in more and more numbers!


When I was young, in the 1950’s, it really was like the movie Back to the Future.  Families ate at home, things like pot roast and vegetables, everyone got plenty of sleep before school, high fructose corn syrup had not been invented yet, and pesticides and herbicide use was very little.  Most meat was raised on small farms, and was pastured on grass, not corn.  There was the local “malt shop”, but this was just for high school socializing and things like sodas and milkshakes, real ones, which are a far cry from the chemical laden, crap-meat fast food in most fast food joints today! 


Fast forward to today, or even to 30 years ago: increasingly BOTH parents have to work, primarily to pay the TAXES that have escalated in this country.  Now, there is no “home maker” to make the nutritious, healthy, home cooked quality meals anymore.  The parents just rush the kids to a fast food joint, and buy them corn syrup or (worse) artificially sweetened soft drinks, fries cooked in vegetable oil, and gluten covered crap grain fed meat covered in sugar (ketchup) and mayo (vegetable crap oil)...  day after day after day after day... 

Then, when the mom does actually have time to cook, like on weekends, she buys those biscuits in tubes, and canned cheap soups, and other processed foods, throwing them together in quick recipes that make a gluten sugar bomb of a meal... over and over and over again!  And then, for a change, they order pizza!


10 to 20 years of this, and your gut lining is leaky and destroyed.  Toxins from this bad food, and actually from anywhere that get into your digestive system and have nothing to stop them- they go right into your bloodstream!


At this point, your immune system can hardly tell the difference between your own bodily cells, and all of these invaders- it goes into maximum fight response!  And it winds up attacking your own bodily parts- your digestive system is often the first to be attacked, since it is right there.  (Diverticulitis, Crohn’s disease)


But, it can go anywhere- attacking your joints (arthritis), your pancreas (Type 1 diabetes), your skin (eczema or psoriasis), or your thyroid. (Hashimoto’s disease)  It can even result in your own immune system attacking your brain.  This, I believe, could be one reason for the huge increase in autism, severe mood disorders like depression, and many other behavior problems in children today!


And so, where does that leave us? 

The state of nutrition and lifestyle in America today has reached a low ebb.  From the very hard, physical, yet nutrient richness of our great grandfathers and grandmothers we have come to this- the world of Wall.E. 


If you have never seen this Disney movie from 2008, I recommend you do.  It pretty much depicts where we are headed: Wall-E shows a future human race that is so lazy and decrepit that everyone just rides around all day in little electric carts, and drinking soft drinks from giant cups as they go all day.  Robots do everything for them, and all they do is to...barely exist!  Seemed so far-fetched just 7 years ago, and now- it seems like we are half way there!


Remember my analogy in the title of this podcast? 


Our children are our canaries in the coal mine!


If you are not aware, many years ago, coal miners would let down a basket of canaries into a coal mine shaft to determine if it was safe to breathe the air down there.  If they pulled up the basket by the rope, and the canaries were dead, or really sick, they knew they could not yet send humans down.


Our children are sick.  They are OUR CANARIES!





Check out this episode!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Paleo Quick Tip of the Day #94 Have your CAKE, and be Healthy and Slim Too!

pqtd 94 sugar alcohols eating your cake and being healthy too


It has always been known that if you eat “bad” foods, things like candy, cake, and cookies, why then you were setting yourself up for dental disease, lots of fat on your body, and poor health in general.  Diabesity would be in your immediate future...


But did you know that, with a few judicious substitutions, you can make delicious brownies, cookies, cakes and even by candies that are not only delicious, but actually really, really healthy for you!!??


First, the good news:  just by substituting xylitol for sugar in your recipes, you will-


Improve your dental health

NOT gain weight from your desserts

Actually become super healthy by eating “treats”!


I’m not saying you can just add xylitol to crappy recipes using Pillsbury Doughboy biscuits and flour- far from it.  You still have to stick to a Paleo type of diet- no wheat, pastured dairy and meats, green smoothies on a daily basis for maximum results! 


BUT, you can add in wonderful, tasty home-baked treats indistinguishable from those that everyone else enjoys, except the ones you make will be incredibly healthy along with being delicious!


You can just use Xylitol, which looks just like sugar, and tastes just like sugar; but has 1/3 of the calories, and 70% less carbs- and, it doesn’t raise your blood sugar levels. (Ideal for diabetics, and for all the rest of us who don’t want to become diabetic)!


Erithritol is another sugar alcohol sweetener, similar to Xylitol, and both are derived from, originally, birch tree bark. And Erithritol has no calories that are absorbed!

A good solution is to use a mixture of 1/2 Erithritol, and 1/2 Xylitol... but to start, Xylitol wins hands down- it’s easy to find and purchase, and it improves dental health.


Actually, it’s kind of interesting: it was discovered in 1890, and was derived from birch bark. (Erithritol was discovered in 1848).  It is a completely natural substance that is included in small amounts in many products of nature.  Now, it is derived from non-GMO, organic corn cobs, which are chemically identical to those from birch bark sources!  You can still buy the birch variety, but there is really no justification.


Many Scandinavian, Asian and European countries use it extensively- in Finland, large quantities of Xylitol are used in chewing gum and candies provided to the Finnish children by the government, since all dental care is provided at no cost to the Finnish people-


Xylitol candy saves them money!


For whatever reason, here in the USA we went with chemical, artificial sweeteners and toxic fluoride in our drinking water. Two of many, many mistakes our government has shoved down our collective throats over the past 50 years or so...


But you and your family don’t need to follow blindly down this toxic nightmare path! 


Get some Xylitol, both of my local grocers carry it, and it’s also on Amazon.  I’m sure Thrive Market carries it as well.  Make yourself some cookies; I will post a recipe I made today at   


Get some chewing gum made of Xylitol (PUR), and have a couple every day- your dental health will improve a LOT, since the xylitol makes the interior of your mouth a hostile environment for bad bacteria that love sugar.


If you are a new mom, chew this gum yourself, and if you are breast feeding, the benefits will transfer to your baby!  And, most research seems to suggest that the benefits of using xylitol for a year or so turn out to be...permanent. 


And then, when he or she starts “chewing” their own food- give them some xylitol candy!  Cookies, cakes and brownies!! 


Not only will they really, really like it...


But you are making them really, really healthy!!





This is a very healthy Chocolate Chip cookie recipe made with Coconut flour and Coconut Oil.

. . . . .

yield: 2 dozen cookies

active time: 14 -15 minutes

total time: 30 minutes

. . . . .

added by: Trevor

cuisine: Snack


1/2 cup Coconut Oil, melted

1 cup Xylitol

4 eggs (room temperature)

1/2 teaspoon Pure Vanilla

1/8 teaspoon Sea Salt

1 1/2 cups grated or shredded Unsweetened Coconut

3/4 cup unsweetened Chocolate Chips (or wafers quartered) 

1 cup sifted Coconut flour



Melt coconut oil by putting it in the microwave for a few seconds. Make sure that the eggs are at room temperature so that the coconut oil does not solidify when mixing.


Mix together Coconut Oil, Xylitol, eggs, vanilla and salt. Stir in Coconut, chocolate chips and coconut flour. Drop batter in spoon-size mounds 1-inch apart on cookie sheet greased with coconut oil. Bake at 375 degrees F (190 C) for 14 to 15 minutes. Cool slightly and remove from cookie sheet. Makes about 2 dozen cookies.


Check out this episode!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Paleo Quick Tip of the Day #93 The NEW Paleo Miracle Drug!

pqtd 93 The New Paleo Miracle Drug


It is often said that there is “nothing new under the sun”.  And this is no exception- the “new paleo miracle drug” is actually as old as fire- but it is a miracle drug nonetheless!


This paleolithic elixir is bone broth.  Not just soup stock, which is when you boil bones and ideally the marrow and connective tissues as well, but bone broth, where you simmer the bones to extract the very essence of human nutrition and healing; and you extract them for at least 12 hours, and as long as 48 hours or more!


This is the key for maximum health benefits, and what separates bone broth from the mere flavoring agent of simple beef or chicken stock.


Not only will bone broth give you all of the nutrients needed to heal problems with your joints and bones (it really works miracles in that department), bone broth also heals your gut, which is so very important.  Listen- all of us have damaged, or “leaky” guts, where bad cells can slip through our digestive tracts and right into our bloodstream. 


This is where all autoimmune diseases have their start!  And these are the diseases that are killing, and hurting all of us so badly.  Name the scariest diseases you know- they are all autoimmune, in which the body starts attacking itself.  Cancer, arthritis, alzheimer’s, chron’s disease, diverticulitis, type 1 diabetes, and even heart disease is initially a form of autoimmune disease. 


And ever since we started eating massive amounts of gluten from genetically altered wheat, and adding tons of chemicals to our environment in the form of pesticides, herbicides, fluoride and chlorine, along with antibiotics in our meats and more chemicals in our toxic cleaning products... well, back when I was young, in the 1950’s, Cancer was quite rare!  As were most diseases- I never even heard of diabetes until I was grown, and it only struck old people.  Now, autism, diabetes, cancer- almost everyone winds up with one or several of these horrible diseases. 


Not to be a PollyAnna, which would be to take the name of my little sister, Polly Ann in vain, but simply taking in bone broth on a near daily basis would counter most of this insult.  Bone broth heals your gut lining- better than anything else!  Along with eating LOTS of green veggies, ideally in the form of a green smoothie, and grass fed meats and pastured dairy, bone broth will heal you, and make you immune to most of our modern enemies:


I guarantee, if you get out your slow cooker, put in some soup bones (my favorite is a Marrow Bone!), a chicken carcass, or a combination of bones from healthy animals, add a little sea salt and apple cider vinegar (just a splash, to help get the minerals out), and let it simmer for a couple of days, and then drink a cup- you are on the road to health my friend!


Healthy skin (this first is actually quick, and quite remarkable, since the skin is the mirror of the gut)- clear and healthy. 


Healthy weight- proper digestion ensures satiety, and you will not desire junk foods like sweets and pastries


Above all- a healthy gut!  This is important for the whole human body- Hippocrates himself said that all health comes from the gut!


You can either keep the slow cooker simmering away for days and days, or you can do like I do:  I simmer a couple of days, then ladle into canning jars, leaving the sick little depleted bones behind.  Put the canning jars into the fridge, and heat up whenever- I try to have a cup or so per day.  You can even whisk an egg into the cup you have heated in the microwave, and “instant egg drop soup”!  Tastes great, too...


Or, you can use them as a soup base, as I did with my PaleoJay’s chili earlier this week.  OR, you can take one 16 oz jar of bone broth, and add some new potatoes, carrots, grass fed stew meat and onions- slow cook them for about 2 and 1/2 hours- and then do like I am going to do right now:


Go eat my beef stew!


So be like me; be BAD TO THE BONE!

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Paleo Quick Tip of the Day #92 Summertime Blues!

pqtd 92 Don’t get the Summertime Blues- Train with Rings


I know, this time of the year is when those of us who live in the north country get the blues- the Summertime blues- since summer is over, the leaves are changing, and the weather is getting...colder! 


“Omigosh!” we say to ourselves, “I have been exercising so well outdoors, carrying my little heavy hands dumb bells and pumping them as I go, and stopping for periodic pushup intervals- it’s been great!  But what do I do when it gets really cold, and snowy??”


Well, for me, that doesn’t stop my outdoor walks with the little weights- I just put on boots, and slog through the forest trails of snow!  But, if you like to retreat more indoors in the winter months, fear not.  Here is your answer, your salvation, your holy grail:


Get a set of gymnastic rings!


I don’t care if this seems intimidating, you think you are too big and heavy to do those crazy muscle ups and skin the cat moves- trust me, this little, inexpensive ring setup will change your physique, your life overall, and especially the way you train.


I got a set a few years ago, the setup was a little over $20.  I got some hardware to hang the rings up on my basement rafters, and it is the BEST money I have ever spent on training! 


Especially if you are somewhat de-conditioned or heavy, these are a lifesaver.  You can do pushups on them at any angle you choose- if you can’t do a regular pushup on the floor, you can do them standing up, on a slight angle!  Or at any gradation in between.  Just by moving forward or back, you make the pushup exercise harder or easier. 


And, doing pushups on the rings puts your body in the most joint sparing, yet total range-of-motion position that is possible.  And, if you know me, you know that the pushup is probably the ultimate exercise for total body fitness!


But the pushup is not all, no no no!  Rings are ideal for pullups, dips, and pistol (or one-legged) squats, which are the perfect lower body exercise.  Also, for rows, pullovers, tricep presses, and flies- all done perfectly safely, and easily graduated so that anyone, of any fitness level, can do them safely and productively.


The rings are kind of like a tiny, inexpensive, incredibly versatile power rack, or “cage”. I have one of these as well, from my old ill-advised weight lifting days, and it is literally a steel cube that holds your weights, so that they can never fall on you- and also, so that you can start at any point in the lift on “pins” that support the bar at various levels.  VERY hands, indispensable really, for serious weight trainers!  Also, really big, bulky, and expensive!!


The rings are better! Yup, not just OK, but BETTER.  You can do squats on one leg, and assist yourself with your arms a little if you can’t quite do it... same with chins, and dips, rows and even curls- just experiment, and any exercise that you could do with a power rack, mountains of weights, and specialized Nautilus and other types of machines, well you can duplicate them, and even do them one step better on a simple set of rings!


Rings are also convenient, and lend themselves to impromptu mini-workouts whenever you feel like it- they are just hanging there, waiting for you!  You can instantly adjust them up for squats and wonderful ab exercises like L-sits, or lower them for pushups.  You can elevate your legs to make the pushups harder, or stand more upright to make them much easier... infinitely and instantly adjustable!


I have totally rehabbed my shoulders, damaged from years of heavy weights, by using rings.  The total range of motion, and the ability to stretch the shoulder joints by leaning forward on the rings is amazingly therapeutic. 


So grab the brass ring!  Set yourself up for a Winter’s worth of fitness and health!  I know it seems a little depressing when the leaves start to fall, but once the cold arrives, you have a new “hang out”- whether it is in your basement, or your garage, or wherever you have a high place to hang a set of rings- all kinds of mounting hardware is available, so you will get the “hang” of it eventually...


And then, you will never, ever again have the summertime blues! 

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Paleo Quick Tip of the Day #91 Green Exercise!

pqtd 91 Green Exercise


This is another name for something that I’ve been recommending for a long time now- I called it Forest bathing; where a person would walk about in nature, in a forest as I do almost daily, or in any natural landscape, be it a beachfront, along the river, or just in a park.  It turns out that the University of Essex, in England, has been extensively studying the benefits of exercise in Nature for over 12 years!


They have lots of studies that they have done on the benefits of exercising in nature as opposed to in a gym setting, and the benefits are manyfold.  Primarily, mental benefits come from getting out in nature- just think about it, just as our paleolithic ancestors eating an ancestral, paleo type of diet, and we have evolved to do so as well- just as they slept long hours each and every night- so too did they spent ALL of their waking hours out in nature! 


It is something we have hard-wired into us.  We are creatures of nature,and are meant to be IN nature on a daily basis.  The best way to experience nature is by exercising outside, not just sitting in a chair, say, on a beach or in a lawn. 


I like to take a hike through my woods on pretty much a daily basis.  Barefoot is best, or now, when it is getting colder here in Wisconsin, I wear my Xero sandals, which are just a slim piece of rubber between my bare feet and the ground... later, when it’s even colder, I will wear my moccasins, which are just leather between my feet and the ground, allowing my toes, and every tiny muscle in my foot to balance and strengthen as I go. 


I think, beyond mental benefits such as alleviating stress and preventing depression and worry, such exercise has definite physical positives as well.  The hyper-oxygenated air in a forest or any plant covered terrain is wonderfully beneficial, as is the very sounds of nature: the rustling branches, the calls of birds and small animals, and the feel and crunch of pine needles and dry leaves underfoot.  Even the pollen from the trees is something that is good for us, since we have co-evolved with it since before time began!


In addition, by being outside, we use our eyes as our ancestors did, as they are meant to be used.  We look off towards the horizon, actively as we move, not at a screen right in front of our face, and we are engaged in, and actually a PART of nature!  This is something we need reinforced, in this day of artificial, sterile environments.


I sometimes, about once per week, sprint barefoot around my property, in short interval bursts.  This is great, and something I look forward to, usually on Sundays.


But for a daily Green exercise regimen?  Take a pair of small dumb bells, lately I’ve been using a pair of 7 pounders, one in each hand.  Then PUMP them as you walk!  This makes a leisurely walk, with plenty of time to observe nature as you go, into a demanding, total body workout.


Pump with high curls each step, or do side extensions for the deltoids as you go.  Stop periodically, and do a set of pushups on the dumb bells- it keeps your hands clean, and you can go lower on each rep!


You can even stand perfectly still, and do curls, or presses for awhile, and then resume walking- a great variation is to mimic the moves of cross country skiing with the bells making the arms work as hard as the legs.  Experiment!


Have fun with this!  It is demanding enough that it could be a stand alone exercise and mental health regimen.  Oh, it has a name, this dumb bell protocol- Heavyhands.  It was very popular in the 1980’s, and somehow has fallen out of the mainstream.  I guess it is just so cheap and easy, so doable by anyone, that no one figured out how to make money off of it!  (No expensive equipment, no pricey shoes or gym memberships)...


Oh- it also doesn’t take long at all!  15 minutes is plenty; trust me, it’s very taxing, but since all the “work” is spread around all of your limbs (PanAerobics), it seems easier.

So go ahead.  Go green!  Even if you’re NOT a Packer’s fan!





Check out this episode!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Paleo Quick Tip of the Day #90 Choose your paleo home wisely

pqtd 90 Live in a Paleo Friendly home


I don’t know why I am so inflammatory, but I KNOW that this little podcast will be so:


I am here to suggest that you NOT live in a big city, that you NOT raise your children IN a big metropolitan city (at least in the US, I know little of those overseas which may be very different), AND I also think you should not raise your family in the suburbs that surround these cities!!


Pause to hate PaleoJay... OK, let’s start again:


I am basing all of this on history, ancient history is a particular interest of mine.  When Rome was collapsing, nothing at all was wrong with her armies, or her strategies.  It was all her POLITICS.


Corruption at the highest levels of government, and the LIVES of those at those levels, had degenerated to the point where ALL that they could think about was immediate self-advantage, and how to manipulate things for maximum profit and gain. 


The original notions of the “good of the state and the commonwealth” were utterly discarded, and self-interest in the short term was all that mattered!


The troops were called back from faraway Britain, although everything was under control there, because the back at ROME, power politics were unravelling.  Again, this had NOTHING to do with the armies, and invaders, or anything else- it was all about the collapse of morals and law and order and a consensus about how to live!


Sound familiar? 


In modern America, I believe we are about there now:  our army is second to none.  But with NERO in charge (I mean  Obama here, sorry but it’s very, very true!) our army is hamstrung.


Our moral landscape has collapsed; the Knockout Game is alive and well in our big cities, where young men purposefully KNOCK UNCONSCIOUS old women and men as a GAME!! 


And our media purposefully IGNORES and tries to suppress it! 


In ancient Rome, MY ancestors, the Germans, were constantly raiding the borders of the country, trying to invade.  And during this period, the YOUTH (the liberals of the time) in Rome idolized the Germanic barbarians, and strutted about the capital in “trousers”, (which were considered uncouth and totally barbarian!) and wore “mustaches”, which Romans abhorred!

This is right in line with what is going on now.  Let’s go back a bit, to the 1970’s when Tom Wolfe wrote a very perceptive book called “Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers”.


In this book, Tom Wolfe was pointing out how liberal guilt had destroyed the ability of the ruling class to even RECOGNIZE that their decisions were literally DESTROYING the empire, in other words destroying WESTERN CIVILIZATION ITSELF. 


All in the name of “fairness”. 


This is a mirror image of what happened in ancient Rome:


The Germans “asked” if they could “settle” in Roman territory.  After much deliberation, the Roman Senate (under Nero!), said OK- but they said only for a limited time...


AND, over time, the Germans did NOT leave, and the armies were all called back to defend the capital, and the empire fell... leading to over 1000 years of darkness and horror, basically the end of western civilization.


My point is this: 


We are treading this thin ice in civilization once again. 

Back then, anyone who could retreated into rural, idyllic types of areas.  Like Spain, England and France- back then, these were really, really “out of the way backwaters”. 


And then, they built castles- fortresses! 


And this is the start of Medieval Life, although then it was just SURVIVAL.  I believe we are at a similar juncture in history.


The barbarians have been given an open door- illegals preferred!  The Roman/US purse has been supplied for unlimited welfare, and once again Western Civilization is ripe for the plucking!


Sad but true, all because of corruption,  and unwarranted guilt over doing really, really well for millennia...


My advice?


Get OUT of major cities!  Things are bad, and looking way, way worse.  Detroit used to be a “center of culture”; most major US cities are following that path!


Sorry, I MEAN THE SUBURBS TOO!  I hate what the suburbs have become- the rampant (hyper Roman) consumerism and flagrant slavish allegiance to “fashion” has recurred time and time again, and only leads to horrible crucibles for children to survive.  You only have to read David Copperfield to understand this...


Get your families into a small town, semi-rural or rural environment.  Somewhere where you KNOW your neighbors, what they do for a living, and you know them really, and completely, not just their Linked In profile.


I know a guy who has an internet business.  He can live anywhere he wants!  He used to live in NYC, but he has little kids and a wife...


He did just what I recommended!  He moved to a small town (really small, about 1300 people), in rural Wisconsin! 


If you can do it, do it.  Move to a rural, or at least a small city environment.  This is “Paleo” in a huge way! 


The “urban shuffle” SUCKS!  If you have children, even more so. 


Now, more than ever, anyone who wants to “sustain Western Civilization” had better move beyond the areas of corruption, those areas that NERO has destroyed, and go back to SMALL TOWN AMERICANA! 


It has not yet been ruined, and is the BEST HOPE FOR US ALL IN THE FUTURE! 

ALL YOU NEED TO DO, is get as FAR from ROME (the US GOVT.) as possible! 


Wait it out.





Check out this episode!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Paleo Quick Tip of the Day #89 The Perfect Overall Paleo Exercise?

Heavy hands- the best paleo exercise of all!


I was a heavy hands guy from the beginning, in 1982 I got Leonard Schwartz’s book “Heavy hands”, and it made real sense to me!  I wanted to be aerobically fit, and I also wanted to be strong- before this I had jogged down our country roads for a few miles most days, and then lifted weights most other days...


It did work, quite well in most ways, but (this is my pre-paleo days!), my diet was sub-standard, and I started getting lots of aches and pains.  My shoulders started aching from heavy bench presses (and other heavy lifts), and my knees and feet started hurting chronically as well from the running- remember, back then the running was “long and slow”- a perfect recipe for joint degeneration!


I also have a book by Steve Reeves, the classic era symmetrical bodybuilder, who came out with “Powerwalking” at about the same time!  Steve had come up with a similar program, using small hand weights to up the ante and exertion from walking, and they were both right on target.


Steve’s book emphasized fast walking, while swinging hand weights as you go.  Heavy Hands was more in depth, emphasizing the curling, and lifting of the weights more as you went, resulting in a real “Pan-Aerobic” exercise, as it was termed then.


Both are great concepts, but the Heavy Hands version wins out- you can mimic cross country skiing, arm and leg together walking exertion, and endless variations of multi-limbed exercise!  I’ve always done it, periodically, since it is such a satisfying and result producing way of exercise, but now I am back in a big way!


I love to do my virtual resistance exercises, where the muscle provides its own resistance- (much better than weights, which injure your joints long term)!  I do that each and every morning, along with stretching and calisthenics and then rebounding, right in front of my television... very relaxing and energizing!


My weights I have relegated to weighing down my tractor for increased traction, since I believe they create more harm than good in the long run.  Besides, bodyweight training yields actually better results!


But, each afternoon, I look forward to getting out my old heavy hands weights and handles, and walk down my forest paths pumping the weights in curls, and mimicking cross country motions, punching, pressing, and other motions that add to my walking exertion and spread it over my whole musculature. 


It is like running with my whole body!


I love to sprint barefoot, and do in the warmer months every week, usually on Sundays. (It brings me back to my childhood, and burns fat faster than anything else, while strengthening my feet, and grounding me to mother earth at the same time).


But when I pick up my little dumbells (8 lbs is about perfect for me) and walk down my forest trail, curling my arms alternately with each step, I realize that this is total body barefoot sprinting.  Every part of my body is working at a high level of effort, but ironically- the perceived exertion level, i.e. the level of discomfort is markedly reduced!!


It is really hard exertion, but because it is spread across all the limbs (not just the legs) it seems much easier.


So, I can do it daily.  I can do it barefoot. (Although, since it is getting colder here in Wisconsin I have started to wear my moccasins, which are really just like barefoot shoes, just not so obnoxious as those Vibrams with the toes...)


AND it exercises my entire body, as I move about and enjoy Nature and enjoy the sunshine, fresh air, pollen and other aspects of “Forest Bathing”!


And so, my final point is this:


If you had to choose ONE single exercise to stay healthy and fit:

I would go along with Steve Reeves, and Leonard Schwartz.   Mr. Universe, and the psychiatrist.


Get some small dumb bells, pump them as you walk, and reap the benefits of Pan-Aerobics! 


Jog with your whole body.

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Paleo Quick tip of the day #88 Cook your paleo food slowly for fast results!

pqtd 88  Heat your food slowly


I don’t mean all the time now, no one likes a grilled steak or barbequed chicken or salmon more than me!  But, for those of you who work in an office, or work out of a vehicle (as I did for many, many years)-to get a highly nutritious meal in at work can be really hard, and quite expensive as well!


Restaurant meals are not ideal; even good restaurants that serve what would be paleo friendly types of meals like meats, veggies and salads almost always use bad vegetable oils like soy, canola, and sunflower.  This is pretty much a deal breaker for health, and for me, just driving to and from the place is a time waster leaving me very little time to eat and savor my food!


I have chanced upon the “hot logic mini” lunchbox, and it sounds wonderful- you just put in your food, let’s say meat and veggies, bring it to work (either your office cubicle or your truck), plug it in, and go about your business.  At lunch time, whether it is 2 hours later or 12- your food will be perfectly, slowly cooked! 


The nutrients will all be completely intact, since slow cooking is the very best form of cooking for health, and you don’t need to share an office microwave that is filthy, and that no one ever cleans (except maybe YOU!)...


That is my tip number one of Paleo Quick tip of the Day- here is number two:


Make yourself bone broth in a crock pot! 


This is actually crucial, right up there with getting yourself a Vitamix blender and making a daily paleo green smoothie to fortify your health and life with! 


The difference between bone broth and plain stock is in the length of time the bones are boiled.  A few hours, you have good product: stock.  This is what you can buy in the grocery store. 


Get a good grass fed beef marrow bone, like I did yesterday, and putting it in your crock pot for about 24 hours or longer...that is bone broth, and that is one of the very healthiest things you can put into your body, ever!!


Once a week is a good schedule to shoot for.  Just put your marrow bone (I’ve found that marrow is even better than a plain old soup bone, but both are good), into your crock pot, fill with water, and add a bit of Bragg’s apple cider vinegar in as well, along with a liberal amount of sea salt.


Then, just plug it in, and wait...


You can either just dip it out the next morning and drink it along with your morning coffee and smoothie, or else you can put it into Ball canning jars to store and heat up on a daily basis, 16 oz. at a time, OR- you can turn it into an instant soup!  That’s what I did today-


I added in about 4 oz. of beef stew meat, a pound of carrots, a large sliced onion, and a few sliced potatoes.  (Rice is also good). 


A couple of hours later, I had the best, tastiest, most nutritious soup in the world! 


Bone broth will literally restore your joints with its collagen and mineral-loaded nutrients, and simultaneously fortify your bones as well.  It is inexpensive, simple, easy, and highly effective.  It is very expensive to purchase, and hard to find, but very easy to make yourself!  One of the ultimate lessons of the paleo diet is that we need to learn to live more like our grandparents and great grandparent. 


Eat real food, prepared at home and obtained either by growing it yourself, or from local sources that do.  Steer clear of convenience foods and fast foods, and be like the tortoise.


Slow and steady wins the race, every time!

Check out this episode!